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Introduction to philosophy classical and contemporary readings

John Perry 1943-; Michael Bratman

New York Oxford University Press 1986

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  • Título:
    Introduction to philosophy classical and contemporary readings
  • Autor: John Perry 1943-; Michael Bratman
  • Assuntos: Philosophy -- Textbooks; FILOSOFIA; Philosophy, to 1980 - Texts - Collections
  • Notas: Includes bibliographies
  • Descrição: THE NATURE AND VALUE OF PHILOSOPHY -- .. The Value of Philosophy / Bertrand Russell -- REASON AND RELIGION -- God and Evil -- .. Why I am not a theist / Bertrand Russell -- .. God, evil and the best of all possible worlds / Gottfried Leibniz -- .. Must God create the best? / Robert Merrihew Adams -- .. The Ontological argument / Saint Anselm -- ..
    The Existence of God proven / Saint Thomas Aquinas -- .. Dialogues concerning natural religion / David Hume -- Faith and Subjectivity -- .. The Wager / Blaise Pascal -- .. Pascal's wager / James Cargile -- .. Against objectivity in religion / Søren Kierkegaard -- ..
    Kierkegaard's arguments against objective reasoning in religion / Robert Merrihew Adams -- Evolution and Creation -- .. Evolution or creation? / Henry M. Morris -- .. The Case against creationism / Philip Kitcher -- .. How to defend society against science / Paul Feyerabend
    KNOWLEDGE AND REALITY -- Classics of Epistemology -- .. Meditations on first philosophy / Rene Descartes -- .. Some further considerations concerning our simple ideas of sensation / John Locke -- .. Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous / George Berkeley -- ..
    Of scepticism with regard to the senses / David Hume -- .. An Enquiry concerning human understanding / David Hume -- Perception -- .. Sense-data and common sense / G. E. Moore -- .. Moore's theory of sense-data / O. K. Bouwsma -- .. The Argument from illusion / J. L. Austin
    Induction, Causation, and Explanation -- .. The Problem of induction / W. C. Salmon -- .. Laws and their role in scientific explanation / Carl G. Hempel -- .. Critique of Hume's conception of causality / C. J. Ducasse -- .. Causality and determination / B. E. M. Anscombe
    MIND AND BODY -- The Traditional Problem of Mind and Body -- .. Descarte's myth / Gilbert Ryle -- .. The Argument from analogy for other minds / Bertrand Russell -- .. Knowledge of other minds / Norman Malcolm -- .. The Nature of mind / David M. Armstrong -- .. The Nature of mental states / Hilary Putnam -- .. Functionalism / Jerry Fodor -- .. What is it like to be a bat? / Thomas Nagel
    Minds and Machines -- .. Computing machinery and intelligence / A. M. Turing -- .. Minds, brains, and programs / John R. Searle -- Personal Identity -- .. Of identity and diversity / John Locke -- .. Of identity / Thomas Reid -- .. Of personal identity / David Hume -- .. The Self and the future / Bernard Williams -- .. William's on the self and its future / John Perry
    Freedom and Determination -- .. Free will is a myth / Baron d'Holbach -- .. Has the self "free will" ? / C. A. Campbell -- .. Of liberty and necessity / David Hume -- .. Moral luck / Thomas Nagel
    ETHICS -- Moral Perplexities -- .. A Defense of abortion / Judith Jarvis Thomson -- .. The Problem of abortion and the doctrine of the double effect / Philippa Foot -- .. Should the numbers count? / John M. Taurek -- .. Some paradoxes of deterrence / Gregory Kavka -- Moral Theories -- .. Utilitarianism -- ...... The Principle of utility / Jeremy Bentham -- ...... Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill -- ...... Criticisms of utilitarianism / E. F. Carritt -- ......
    The Interpretation of the moral philosophy of J. S. Mill / J. O. Urmson -- ...... Extreme and restricted utilitarianism / J. J. C. Smart -- ...... Utilitarianism and integrity / Bernard Williams -- ...... Famine, affluence and morality / Peter Singer -- .. Kantian ethics -- ...... Groundwork of the metaphysic of morals / Immanuel Kant -- ...... Kantian approaches to some famine problems / Onora O'Neill -- ...... War and massacre / Thomas Nagel -- ..
    Aristotelian ethics -- ...... Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle -- ...... Aristotle's doctrine of the mean / J. O. Urmson -- ...... Aristotle of Eudaimonia / Thomas Nagel -- .. Theories of justice -- ...... A Theory of justice / John Rawls -- ...... Justice and entitlement / Robert Nozick -- ...... Capitalism, socialism and justice / Kai Nielsen -- ...... Reverse discrimation / Ronald Dworkin
    Challenges to Morality -- .. Morality and Self-interest -- ...... The Republic / Plato -- ...... An Enquiry concerning the principles of morals / David Hume -- ...... Morality and advantage / David Gauthier -- ...... The Law of the jungle : moral alternatives and principles of evolution / J. L. Mackie -- .. Subjectivism, relativism, and skepticism -- ...... The Subjectivity of values / J. L. Mackie -- ...... Outline of a decision procedure for ethics / John Rawls
    PUZZLES AND PARADOXES -- Assorted Puzzles and Paradoxes -- .. Zeno's paradoxes -- ...... Achilles and the tortoise -- ...... The Racecourse -- ...... The Argument against plurality -- .. Miscellaneous puzzles and paradoxes -- ...... The Paradox of identity -- ...... The Paradox of the heap -- ...... The Surprise examination -- ...... The Prisoner's dilemma -- .. Newcomb's problem -- ...... Goodman's new riddle of induction -- ..
    Paradoxes of logic, set theory, and semantics -- ...... The Paradox of the liar -- ...... Other versions of the liar -- ...... Russell's paradox -- ...... Grelling's paradox -- .. Paradoxes and Antinomies -- ...... The Ways of paradox / W. V. Quine.
  • Editor: New York Oxford University Press
  • Data de criação/publicação: 1986
  • Formato: xvi, 815 p. 24 cm.
  • Idioma: Inglês

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