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Extreme drought is again isolating people in Amazonia
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Extreme drought is again isolating people in Amazonia

Santos de Lima, Letícia ; Magalhães de Oliveira, Hernani Fernandes ; Fleischmann, Ayan Santos ; Macedo, Marcia Nunes

Nature (London), 2023-10, Vol.622 (7984), p.697-697 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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N 6 -methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts
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N 6 -methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts

Viegas, Idálio J ; de Macedo, Juan Pereira ; Serra, Lúcia ; De Niz, Mariana ; Temporão, Adriana ; Silva Pereira, Sara ; Mirza, Aashiq H ; Bergstrom, Ed ; Rodrigues, João A ; Aresta-Branco, Francisco ; Jaffrey, Samie R ; Figueiredo, Luisa M

Nature (London), 2022-04, Vol.604 (7905), p.362 [Periódico revisado por pares]


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N6-methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts
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N6-methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts

Viegas, Idálio J. ; de Macedo, Juan Pereira ; Serra, Lúcia ; De Niz, Mariana ; Temporão, Adriana ; Silva Pereira, Sara ; Mirza, Aashiq H. ; Bergstrom, Ed ; Rodrigues, João A. ; Aresta-Branco, Francisco ; Jaffrey, Samie R. ; Figueiredo, Luisa M.

Nature (London), 2022-04, Vol.604 (7905), p.362-370 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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Author Correction: Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers
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Author Correction: Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers

Grill, G. ; Lehner, B. ; Thieme, M. ; Geenen, B. ; Tickner, D. ; Antonelli, F. ; Babu, S. ; Borrelli, P. ; Cheng, L. ; Crochetiere, H. ; Macedo, H. Ehalt ; Filgueiras, R. ; Goichot, M. ; Higgins, J. ; Hogan, Z. ; Lip, B. ; McClain, M. E. ; Meng, J. ; Mulligan, M. ; Nilsson, C. ; Olden, J. D. ; Opperman, J. J. ; Petry, P. ; Liermann, C. Reidy ; Sáenz, L. ; Salinas-Rodríguez, S. ; Schelle, P. ; Schmitt, R. J. P. ; Snider, J. ; Tan, F. ; Tockner, K. ; Valdujo, P. H. ; van Soesbergen, A. ; Zarfl, C.

Nature (London), 2019-08, Vol.572 (7768), p.E9-E9 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers
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Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers

Grill, G. ; Lehner, B. ; Thieme, M. ; Geenen, B. ; Tickner, D. ; Antonelli, F. ; Babu, S. ; Borrelli, P. ; Cheng, L. ; Crochetiere, H. ; Ehalt Macedo, H. ; Filgueiras, R. ; Goichot, M. ; Higgins, J. ; Hogan, Z. ; Lip, B. ; McClain, M. E. ; Meng, J. ; Mulligan, M. ; Nilsson, C. ; Olden, J. D. ; Opperman, J. J. ; Petry, P. ; Reidy Liermann, C. ; Sáenz, L. ; Salinas-Rodríguez, S. ; Schelle, P. ; Schmitt, R. J. P. ; Snider, J. ; Tan, F. ; Tockner, K. ; Valdujo, P. H. ; van Soesbergen, A. ; Zarfl, C.

Nature (London), 2019-05, Vol.569 (7755), p.215-221 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
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Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

Purcell, Shaun M ; Wray, Naomi R ; Stone, Jennifer L ; Visscher, Peter M ; O'Donovan, Michael C ; Sullivan, Patrick F ; Sklar, Pamela

Nature (London), 2009-08, Vol.460 (7256), p.748-752 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni
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The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni

Berriman, Matthew ; Haas, Brian J. ; LoVerde, Philip T. ; Wilson, R. Alan ; Dillon, Gary P. ; Cerqueira, Gustavo C. ; Mashiyama, Susan T. ; Al-Lazikani, Bissan ; Andrade, Luiza F. ; Ashton, Peter D. ; Aslett, Martin A. ; Bartholomeu, Daniella C. ; Blandin, Gaelle ; Caffrey, Conor R. ; Coghlan, Avril ; Coulson, Richard ; Day, Tim A. ; Delcher, Art ; DeMarco, Ricardo ; Djikeng, Appolinaire ; Eyre, Tina ; Gamble, John A. ; Ghedin, Elodie ; Gu, Yong ; Hertz-Fowler, Christiane ; Hirai, Hirohisha ; Hirai, Yuriko ; Houston, Robin ; Ivens, Alasdair ; Johnston, David A. ; Lacerda, Daniela ; Macedo, Camila D. ; McVeigh, Paul ; Ning, Zemin ; Oliveira, Guilherme ; Overington, John P. ; Parkhill, Julian ; Pertea, Mihaela ; Pierce, Raymond J. ; Protasio, Anna V. ; Quail, Michael A. ; Rajandream, Marie-Adèle ; Rogers, Jane ; Sajid, Mohammed ; Salzberg, Steven L. ; Stanke, Mario ; Tivey, Adrian R. ; White, Owen ; Williams, David L. ; Wortman, Jennifer ; Wu, Wenjie ; Zamanian, Mostafa ; Zerlotini, Adhemar ; Fraser-Liggett, Claire M. ; Barrell, Barclay G. ; El-Sayed, Najib M.

Nature (London), 2009-07, Vol.460 (7253), p.352-358 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni

Matthew Berriman Brian, J Hass; Philip T LoVerde; R. Alan Wilson; Gary P Dillon; Gustavo C Cerqueira; Susan T Mashiyama; Bissan Al-Lazikani; Luiza F Andradre; Peter D Ashton; Martin A Aslett; Daniella C Bartholomeu; Gaelle Blandin; Conor R Caffrey; Avril Coghlan; Richard Coulson; Tim A Day; Art Delcher; Ricardo De Marco; Appolinaire Djikeng; Tina Eyre; John A Gamble; Elodie Ghedin; Young Gu; Christiane Hertz Fowler; Hirohisha Hirai; Yuriko Hirai; Robin Houston; Alasdair Ivens; David A Johnston; Daniela Lacerda; Camila D Macedo; Paul McVeigh; Zemin Ning; Guilherme Oliveira; John P Overington; Julian Parkhill; Mihaela Pertea; Raymond J Pierce; Anna V Protasio; Michael A Quail; Marie-Adèle Rajandream; Jane Rogers; Mohammed Sajid; Steven L Salzberg; Mario Stanke; Adrian R Tivey; Owen White; David L Williams; Jennifer Wortman; Wenjie Wu; Mostafa Zamanian; Adhemar Zerlotini; Claire M. Fraser Liggett; Barclay G Barrell; Najib M El-Sayed

Nature London v. 460, n. 7253, p. 352-358 : + supplementary materials, July 2009

London 2009

Localização: IFSC - Inst. Física de São Carlos    (PROD016077 )(Acessar)

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The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni

Matthew Berriman Brian, J Hass; Philip T LoVerde; R. Alan Wilson; Gary P Dillon; Gustavo C Cerqueira; Susan T Mashiyama; Bissan Al-Lazikani; Luiza F Andradre; Peter D Ashton; Martin A Aslett; Daniella C Bartholomeu; Gaelle Blandin; Conor R Caffrey; Avril Coghlan; Richard Coulson; Tim A Day; Art Delcher; Ricardo De Marco; Appolinaire Djikeng; Tina Eyre; John A Gamble; Elodie Ghedin; Young Gu; Christiane Hertz Fowler; Hirohisha Hirai; Yuriko Hirai; Robin Houston; Alasdair Ivens; David A Johnston; Daniela Lacerda; Camila D Macedo; Paul McVeigh; Zemin Ning; Guilherme Oliveira; John P Overington; Julian Parkhill; Mihaela Pertea; Raymond J Pierce; Anna V Protasio; Michael A Quail; Marie-Adèle Rajandream; Jane Rogers; Mohammed Sajid; Steven L Salzberg; Mario Stanke; Adrian R Tivey; Owen White; David L Williams; Jennifer Wortman; Wenjie Wu; Mostafa Zamanian; Adhemar Zerlotini; Claire M. Fraser Liggett; Barclay G Barrell; Najib M El-Sayed

Nature London v. 460, n. 7253, p. 352-358 : + supplementary materials, July 2009

London 2009

Localização: IFSC - Inst. Física de São Carlos    (PROD016077 )(Acessar)

Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications increase risk of schizophrenia
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Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications increase risk of schizophrenia

Stone, Jennifer L. ; O'Donovan, Michael C. ; Gurling, Hugh ; Kirov, George K. ; Blackwood, Douglas H. R. ; Corvin, Aiden ; Craddock, Nick J. ; Gill, Michael ; Hultman, Christina M. ; Lichtenstein, Paul ; McQuillin, Andrew ; Pato, Carlos N. ; Ruderfer, Douglas M. ; Owen, Michael J. ; St Clair, David ; Sullivan, Patrick F. ; Sklar, Pamela ; Purcell, Shaun M.

Nature, 2008-09, Vol.455 (7210), p.237-241 [Periódico revisado por pares]

London: Nature Publishing Group UK

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