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Fracture fixation in the operative management of hip fractures (FAITH): an international, multicentre, randomised controlled trial
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Fracture fixation in the operative management of hip fractures (FAITH): an international, multicentre, randomised controlled trial

Oatt, Amber ; Karlsten, Anders ; Marcantonio, Andrew J. ; Rai, Anil ; Zurcher, Arthur W. ; Jain, Arvind ; Hileman, Barbara ; Verhoeven, Bart ; Fioole, Bram ; Richardson, C. Glen ; Bowler, Carol ; Humphrey, Catherine A. ; Koppert, Cees L. ; DePaolo, Charles J. ; Anderson, Christopher G. ; van der Hart, Cor P. ; Stinner, Daniel ; Viskontas, Darius ; Karges, David E. ; Johnston, David ; Yen, David ; Olakkengil, Davy J ; Donegan, Derek ; Nam, Diane ; Li, Doug ; Tan, Edward T.C.H. ; Schemitsch, Emil H. ; Hammacher, Eric R. ; Torres, Erick T. ; Howells, Fiona ; Gudger, Garland K. ; Wood, Gavin ; Hjorthaug, Geir ; Rieser, Geoffrey Ryan ; Chuter, Graham ; Rocca, Gregory J. Della ; Dobbin, Gwendolyn ; Kuiken, Hans ; Rijna, Herman ; Rajakumar, Janakiraman ; Baker, Janell K. ; de Vries, Jean Paul P.M. ; May, Jedediah ; Hoffman, Jodi M. ; Cherian, Joe Joseph ; Clarke-Jenssen, John ; Adams, John D. ; Gorczyca, John T. ; Foret, Jonathan L. ; Keeve, Jonathan P. ; Scheepers, Joris J.G. ; Baele, Joseph ; Cass, Joseph R. ; Turckan, Kahn ; Rai, Kamal ; van Wessem, Karlijn ; Kruse, Kevin K. ; Browner, Kieran ; Lyle, Lindsey ; Pilling, Lindsey ; Buckingham, Lisa ; de Waal Malefijt, Maarten C. ; Bronkhorst, Maarten W.G.A. ; Lobo, Margaret J. ; Swinton, Marilyn ; Tynan, Martin C. ; Heetveld, Martin J. ; Esser, Max ; Peters, Melissa E. ; Dunbar, Michael ; Beckish, Michael L. ; Brennan, Michael L. ; Kain, Michael S.H. ; Vogt, Michelle ; Bruijninckx, Milko M.M. ; Palla, Naveen ; Schep, Niels W.L. ; Seuffert, Patricia ; Zalzal, Paul ; Kregor, Philip ; Oprel, Pim ; Snider, Rebecca G. ; Farrugia, Richard J ; Korley, Robert ; Probe, Robert ; Wessel, Ronald N. ; Miller, Russell ; Finnan, Ryan ; Puloski, Shannon ; Zielinski, Stephanie M. ; Papp, Steve ; Hollenbeck, Steven M. ; Weinerman, Stuart ; Lambert, Sue ; Lona, Tarjei ; van Egmond, Teun ; Naumetz, V. ; Ghent, Wesley ; Cross, William W. ; Murdoch, Zoe

The Lancet (British edition), 2017-04, Vol.389 (10078), p.1519-1527 [Periódico revisado por pares]

England: Elsevier Ltd

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Relevance of breast cancer hormone receptors and other factors to the efficacy of adjuvant tamoxifen: patient-level meta-analysis of randomised trials
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Relevance of breast cancer hormone receptors and other factors to the efficacy of adjuvant tamoxifen: patient-level meta-analysis of randomised trials

Davies, C ; Godwin, J ; Gray, R ; Clarke, M ; Cutter, D ; Darby, S ; McGale, P ; Pan, H C ; Taylor, C ; Wang, Y C ; Dowsett, M ; Ingle, J ; Peto, R

The Lancet (British edition), 2011-08, Vol.378 (9793), p.771-784 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd

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Vitamins C and E for prevention of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes (DAPIT): a randomised placebo-controlled trial
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Vitamins C and E for prevention of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes (DAPIT): a randomised placebo-controlled trial

McCance, David R, Prof ; Holmes, Valerie A, PhD ; Maresh, Michael JA, FRCOG ; Patterson, Christopher C, PhD ; Walker, James D, MD ; Pearson, Donald WM, FRCPE ; Young, Ian S, Prof

The Lancet (British edition), 2010-07, Vol.376 (9737), p.259-266 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd

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Esomeprazole and aspirin in Barrett's oesophagus (AspECT): a randomised factorial trial
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Esomeprazole and aspirin in Barrett's oesophagus (AspECT): a randomised factorial trial

Jankowski, Janusz A Z ; de Caestecker, John ; Love, Sharon B ; Reilly, Gavin ; Watson, Peter ; Sanders, Scott ; Ang, Yeng ; Morris, Danielle ; Bhandari, Pradeep ; Brooks, Claire ; Attwood, Stephen ; Harrison, Rebecca ; Barr, Hugh ; Moayyedi, Paul ; Ragunath, Krish ; Rameh, Bashir ; Fullarton, Grant ; Tucker, Art ; Penman, Ian ; Rodgers, Colin ; Neale, James ; Edwards, Cathryn ; Wise, Adelyn ; Jones, Stephen ; Church, Nicholas ; Vaidya, Kishor ; Balata, Sherzad ; Todd, John ; Gibbons, Michael ; Johnston, David ; Anderson, Mark ; Davies, Gareth ; Dickey, William ; Murdock, Andrew ; Turner, Graham ; Goddard, Andrew ; Gore, Stephen ; Haigh, Chris ; Harding, Timothy ; Jackson, Lucina ; Murray, Iain ; Worthingon, Joy ; Lee, Thomas ; Lim, Peik Loon ; McLoughlin, James ; Macdonald, Christopher ; Mairs, Philip ; Monk, David ; Preston, Sean ; Pugh, Stirling ; Smart, Howard ; Soliman, Ashraf ; Isaacs, Peter ; Aldulaimi, David ; Trudgill, Nigel ; Benhamida, Abduljalil ; Bell, Andrew ; Boulton-Jones, Robert ; Daneshmend, Tawfique ; Suzuki, Hisaharu ; Fitzgerald, Rebecca ; Ransford, Rupert ; Rahman, Mohammad Mesbahur ; Tebala, Giovanni Domenico ; Hallissey, Michael ; Kelly, Carrie ; Hickish, Tamas ; Taha, Ali ; Rademaker, Johan ; Whitehead, Mark ; Kelly, Sean ; Phull, Perminder ; Sharma, Naveen ; Perry, Ian ; Sankara-Raman, Vankatraman ; Ali, Haythem ; Khan, Iqbal ; Curtis, Howard ; Wadley, Martin ; Stone, Adam ; Sukumaran, Sumesh ; Higham, Andrew ; Lewis, Stephen ; Haycock, Adam ; Usselmann, Bernhard ; Johnston, Simon Douglas ; Tham, Tony ; Campbell, Stewart ; Douds, Andrew ; Dunn, Jason ; Sargeant, Ian ; Narain, Mark ; Maynard, Nick ; Chilton, Andrew ; Green, Susi ; Loft, Duncan ; Decadt, Bart ; Mendall, Michael ; Heydtmann, Mathis ; Fisher, Neil

The Lancet (British edition), 2018-08, Vol.392 (10145), p.400-408 [Periódico revisado por pares]

England: Elsevier Ltd

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Zinc absorption in anorexia nervosa
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Zinc absorption in anorexia nervosa

Dinsmore, W W ; Alderdice, J T ; McMaster, D ; Adams, C E ; Love, A H

The Lancet (British edition), 1985-05, Vol.1 (8436), p.1041-1042 [Periódico revisado por pares]


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Possible case-to-case transmission of legionnaires' disease
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Possible case-to-case transmission of legionnaires' disease

Love, W C ; Chaudhuri, A K ; Chin, K C ; Fallon, R

The Lancet (British edition), 1978-12, Vol.2 (8102), p.1249-1249 [Periódico revisado por pares]


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Mycoplasmas in human infertility
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Mycoplasmas in human infertility

Love, W ; Jones, M ; Andrews, B ; Thomas, M

The Lancet (British edition), 1973-05, Vol.1 (7812), p.1130-1131 [Periódico revisado por pares]


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What causes whooping-cough?
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What causes whooping-cough?

Calder, M A ; Duguid, J P ; Elias-Jones, T F ; Fallon, R J ; Gillies, R R ; Green, D M ; Grist, N R ; Lawson, J H ; Love, W C ; McKenzie, P ; Pinkerton, I W ; Ross, C A ; Sangster, G ; Wilson, A M

The Lancet (British edition), 1970-11, Vol.2 (7682), p.1079-1079 [Periódico revisado por pares]


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