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The Cognitive Foundations of Personality Traits
The Cognitive Foundations of Personality Traits
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The Cognitive Foundations of Personality Traits

Kreitler Hans Kreitler; Shulamith Kreitler; Jerome L Singer

Springer US 1990

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Cognitive Views of Human Motivation
Cognitive Views of Human Motivation
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Cognitive Views of Human Motivation

Bernard Weiner

Academic Press 1974

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Mind, body and culture: Anthropology and the biological interface
Mind, body and culture: Anthropology and the biological interface
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Mind, body and culture: Anthropology and the biological interface

Geoffrey Samuel

Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1990

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Deficits in cognition
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Deficits in cognition

Jerome Hellmuth

New York Brunner/Mazel 1971

Localização: FOB - Fac. Odontologia de Bauru    (616.855 D361 )(Acessar)

Cognition in Practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life
Cognition in Practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life
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Cognition in Practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life

Jean Lave

Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1988

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Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function
Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function
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Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function


Birkhäuser Boston 1992

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Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factor-analytic studies
Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factor-analytic studies
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Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factor-analytic studies

John B. Carroll

Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1993

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Apatia, funções cognitivas e funcionalidade motora em idosos com doença de Alzheimer; Apathy, cognitive function and motor function in Alzheimer's disease

Hernandez, Salma S. Soleman [Unesp]; Vital, Thays Martins [Unesp]; Garuffi, Marcelo [Unesp]; Stein, Angélica Miki [Unesp]; Teixeira, Camila Vieira Ligo [Unesp]; Costa, José Luiz Riani [Unesp]; Stella, Florindo [Unesp] Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp); Universidade Estadual De Campinas (Unicamp)



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Le discours, acteur du monde énonciation, argumentation et cognition
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Le discours, acteur du monde énonciation, argumentation et cognition

Georges Vignaux 1920-

Paris Ophrys c1988

Localização: FFLCH - Fac. Fil. Let. e Ciências Humanas    (410 V736a e.3 ) e outros locais(Acessar)

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Biologie et connaissance essai sur les relations entre les régulations organiques et les processus cognitifs

Jean Piaget 1896-1980

Paris Gallimard 1967

Localização: FEA - Fac. Econ. Adm. Contab. e Atuária  ACERVO DELFIM NETTO  (A38.19.16 ) e outros locais(Acessar)

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Deste Autor:

  1. Piaget, J
  2. Brucki, S
  3. Mansur, L
  4. Souza, M
  5. Yassuda, M

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