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Curriculum and instruction for the gifted: The role of school psychologists
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Curriculum and instruction for the gifted: The role of school psychologists

Shaunessy‐Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Lazarou, Barbara

Psychology in the schools, 2020-10, Vol.57 (10), p.1542-1557 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Hoboken: Wiley

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Predictors of adaptive help seeking across ninth‐grade students enrolled in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses
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Predictors of adaptive help seeking across ninth‐grade students enrolled in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses

Parker, Janise S. ; Shum, Kai Zhuang ; Suldo, Shannon M. ; Shaunessy‐Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Ferron, John ; Dedrick, Robert F.

Psychology in the schools, 2019-05, Vol.56 (5), p.652-669 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell

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APA handbook of giftedness and talent
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APA handbook of giftedness and talent

Pfeiffer, Steven I. ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Foley-Nicpon, Megan Pfeiffer, Steven I ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Foley-Nicpon, Megan

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association 2018

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Masked analysis for small-scale cluster randomized controlled trials
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Masked analysis for small-scale cluster randomized controlled trials

Ferron, John M. ; Nguyen, Diep ; Dedrick, Robert F. ; Suldo, Shannon M. ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth

Behavior Research Methods, 2022-08, Vol.54 (4), p.1701-1714 [Periódico revisado por pares]

New York: Springer US

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Predictors of Success Among High School Students in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs
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Predictors of Success Among High School Students in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs

Suldo, Shannon M. ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Ferron, John ; Dedrick, Robert F.

The Gifted child quarterly, 2018-10, Vol.62 (4), p.350-373 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications

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Investigating the Effects of Motivational Interviewing Compared to Action Planning in Support of the Emotional and Academic Success of Ninth Grade Students in Advanced Placement Classes
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Investigating the Effects of Motivational Interviewing Compared to Action Planning in Support of the Emotional and Academic Success of Ninth Grade Students in Advanced Placement Classes

Shum, Kai Zhuang ; Suldo, Shannon M. ; Lee, Jon ; Ferron, John ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Dedrick, Robert

School mental health, 2024-03, Vol.16 (1), p.207-224 [Periódico revisado por pares]

New York: Springer US

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Acceptability of a Preventative Coping and Connectedness Curriculum for High School Students Entering Accelerated Curricula
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Acceptability of a Preventative Coping and Connectedness Curriculum for High School Students Entering Accelerated Curricula

Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Suldo, Shannon M. ; O’Brennan, Lindsey ; Dedrick, Robert ; Parker, Janise ; Ferron, John ; DiLeo, Letty

Journal for the education of the gifted, 2022-09, Vol.45 (3), p.203-237 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications

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A Qualitative Exploration of the Facilitators and Barriers of Cognitive Engagement Among Ninth-Grade Students in Accelerated Curricula
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A Qualitative Exploration of the Facilitators and Barriers of Cognitive Engagement Among Ninth-Grade Students in Accelerated Curricula

Shum, Kai Zhuang ; Suldo, Shannon M. ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; O’Brennan, Lindsey M.

Journal of advanced academics, 2024-02, Vol.35 (1), p.89-124 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications

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A Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Adolescents in Accelerated High School Curricula: Applicability and Acceptability in a Second Sample
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A Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Adolescents in Accelerated High School Curricula: Applicability and Acceptability in a Second Sample

Suldo, Shannon M. ; Wang, Joy Huanhuan ; O’Brennan, Lindsey M. ; Shaunessy-Dedrick, Elizabeth ; Dedrick, Robert F. ; DiLeo, Letty L. ; Ferron, John M. ; Lee, Jon

Prevention science, 2021-08, Vol.22 (6), p.811-825 [Periódico revisado por pares]

New York: Springer US

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Code Switching among Bilingual and Limited English Proficient Students: Possible Indicators of Giftedness
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Code Switching among Bilingual and Limited English Proficient Students: Possible Indicators of Giftedness

Hughes, Claire E. ; Shaunessy, Elizabeth S. ; Brice, Alejandro R. ; Ratliff, Mary Anne ; McHatton, Patricia Alvarez

Journal for the education of the gifted, 2006-09, Vol.30 (1), p.7-28 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications

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