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Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries
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Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

Nepogodiev, Dmitri ; Wolfenden, John W D ; Abdelgawad, Abdalrahman ; Sabbagh, Abdulrahman J ; Haddud, Abdurrahman ; Muhammad, Abubakar Bala ; Aderogba, Adeleke Akeem ; Haddad, Ahmad ; Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim ; Al-Touny, Aiman ; Wilkins, Alex ; Alderazi, Amer ; Camarena, Ana Isabel Avellaneda ; Kanatas, Anastasios ; Romanzi, Andrea ; Allan, Anna ; D'amore, Anna ; Galandarova, Aysuna ; Alayande, Barnabas ; Mbwele, Bernard ; Festa, Bianca Maria ; Knowles, Brett ; Desai, Chaitya ; Koh, Cherry ; Andro, Christophe ; Wickramasinghe, Dakshitha ; Gero, Daniel ; Schweitzer, Donald ; Mcpherson, Duncan ; Brodkin, Edgar ; Mains, Edward ; Toma, Elena Adelina ; Kantor, Elie ; Colás-Ruiz, Enrique ; Shah, Faaiz Ali ; Kethy, Fagnon ; Mahmood, Fahad ; Cherbanyk, Floryn ; Faponle, Folayemi ; Cáceres, Freud ; Nicholson, Gary ; Singer, Georg ; Fowler, George ; Lisi, Giorgio ; Palomba, Giuseppe ; Augustin, Goran ; De Jesus Labrador Hernandez, Gregorio ; Christodoulidis, Gregory ; Majid, Haroon Javaid ; Mushtaq, Hassan ; Aljaaly, Hattan ; Alibrahim, Hidar ; Ulman, Hilmican ; Abou-Taleb, Hisham ; Elfeki, Hossam ; Seiwerth, Ingmar ; Gerogiannis, Ioannis ; Gracia, Isabel ; Vokshi, Ismail ; Squiers, John ; Sole-Sedeno, Josep M ; Fernández, Julio Domenech ; Qader, Kawthar ; Bouchagier, Konstantinos ; Solaini, Leonardo ; Moral, Leopoldo Tapia ; Grüßer, Linda ; García, Lucia Diego ; Saleh, Ma'moun ; Martino, Marcello Di ; Fragoso, Marta ; Abdelkarim, Maryam ; Wiles, Matthew ; Chisthi, Meer ; De Cillia, Michael ; Ammendola, Michele ; Abbasi, Mujeeb ; Kurawa, Musbahu ; Kumar, Navin ; Kalyva, Nektaria ; Tamini, Nicolò ; Gahlot, Nitesh ; Tucker, Olga ; Baroffio, Paolo ; Elbe, Peter ; Unsworth, Richard ; Abdulsalam, Shuaib ; Mannan, Syed ; Batista, Sylvia ; Al-Shaiji, Tariq ; Aherne, Thomas ; Schmitz-Rixen, Thomas ; Yeoh, Tien ; Zaimis, Tilemachos ; Cohnert, Tina ; Kisser, Ulrich ; Garcia-Virto, Virginia ; Stoyanov, Vladislav ; Atkins, William ; Zimak, Zoran

British journal of surgery, 2023-04, Vol.110 (7), p.804-817 [Periódico revisado por pares]

US: Oxford University Press

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Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale : systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries
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Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale : systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

Adisa, Adewale ; Mittal, Rohin ; Picciochi, Maria ; Sayed, A Emad ; Saed, Abdel ; Quzli, Ahmad ; Ammar, Ahmed Siddique ; Maquilón, Alejandra Jara ; Fahmy, Ali ; Modabber, Ali ; Ugwu, Aloy Okechukwu ; Navarro-Barrios, Alvaro ; Agrawal, Amit ; Kowark, Ana ; Gollarte, Ana Sánchez ; Musina, Ana-Maria ; Barberis, Andrea ; Isik, Arda ; Mahmud, Ayesha ; Regan, Azel ; Balagobi, Balasingam ; Daley, Brian ; Cutmore, Carina ; De La Infiesta García, Carlos ; Zapata, Carlos Shiraishi ; Anderson, Caroline ; Zabkiewicz, Catheriner ; Harmston, Christopher ; Ryalino, Christopher ; Anthoulakis, Christos ; Ezeme, Constantine ; Lechuga, Daniel Garay ; Fusario, Daniele ; Verdi, Daunia ; Bratus, Dejan ; Raimondo, Diego ; Joviliano, Edwaldo Edner ; Ulman, Elif Akbas ; Matthews, Emily ; Ferracci, Federica ; Fusini, Federico ; Faponle, Folayemi ; Mongelli, Francesco ; Camacho, Francisco José Barbosa ; Mazzarella, Gennaro ; Garas, George ; Tzimas, George ; Pellino, Gianluca ; Iacob, Giulio ; Recinos, Gustavo ; Raji, Hadijat Olaide ; Aguado, Héctor J ; Van Vliet, Helen ; Abou-Taleb, Hisham ; Kadiri, Innih ; Dziakova, Jana ; Vishnoi, Jeewan Ram ; Bowen, Joel ; Blanco, Jose ; Meilak, Joseph ; Wright, Joshua ; Leonard, Laura ; Cheung, Lok Ka ; Bashir, Mahmod ; Baia, Marco ; Inama, Marco ; Fahim, Margo Medhat Fouad ; Takkenberg, Marijn ; Batstone, Martin ; Shiota, Masaki ; Emara, Moataz Maher ; Kassab, Mohamad B ; Thaha, Mohamed Adhnan ; Alsharif, Mohammed ; Omer, Mohammed Eltahier Abdalla ; Lebe, Moritz ; Abbasi, Mujeeb ; Rincón, Natalia Andrea Rivera ; Palacios, Nelson Morales ; Ekwunife, Okechukwu Hyginus ; Habeeb, Olufemi ; Basnayake, Oshan ; Urriza, Pablo Vallés ; Marriott, Paul ; Martins, Paulo N ; Winnand, Philipp ; Stogowski, Piotr Tomasz ; Tawalbeh, Ra'fat ; Radivojević, Renata Curic ; Morris, Richard ; Jach, Robert ; Pillerstorff, Robert ; Scaramuzzo, Rosa ; Ooi, Rucira ; Gananadha, Sivakumar ; Cioffi, Stefano Piero Bernardo ; Kykalos, Stylianos ; Elzwai, Suha ; Shelat, Vishal ; Noureldin, Yasser


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Diffuse axonal injury on magnetic resonance imaging and its relation to neurological outcomes in pediatric traumatic brain injury
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Diffuse axonal injury on magnetic resonance imaging and its relation to neurological outcomes in pediatric traumatic brain injury

Hazwani, Tarek ; Khalifa, Ahmed M. ; Azzubi, Moutasem ; Alhammad, Abdullah ; Aloboudi, Abdullah ; Jorya, Ahmad ; Alkhuraiji, Arwa ; Alhelabi, Sarah ; Shaheen, Naila

Clinical neurology and neurosurgery, 2024-02, Vol.237, p.108166-108166, Article 108166 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Netherlands: Elsevier B.V

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Oral rehabilitation of maxillofacial trauma using fixed corticobasal implant-supported prostheses: A case series
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Oral rehabilitation of maxillofacial trauma using fixed corticobasal implant-supported prostheses: A case series

Awadalkreem, Fadia ; Khalifa, Nadia ; Ahmad, Abdelnasir G. ; Suliman, Ahmed Mohamed ; Osman, Motaz

International journal of surgery case reports, 2022-11, Vol.100, p.107769-107769, Article 107769 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Elsevier Ltd

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Extent of spongiofibrosis and length of strictures: Findings at sonourethrography and urethroplasty
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Extent of spongiofibrosis and length of strictures: Findings at sonourethrography and urethroplasty

Oyelowo, Nasir ; Ahmed, Muhammed ; Bello, Ahmad ; Lawal, Ahmed ; Awaisu, Mudi ; Sudi, Abdullahi ; Muhammad, Muhammad ; Tolani, Musliu ; Lawal, Bola ; Lovely, Fidelis ; Maitama, Husseni ; Ibrahim, Khalifa ; Hamza, Ridwan

Urology annals, 2021-01, Vol.13 (1), p.41-46 [Periódico revisado por pares]

India: Wolters Kluwer India Pvt. Ltd

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Rehabilitation of an irradiated marginal mandibulectomy patient using immediately loaded basal implant-supported fixed prostheses and hyperbaric oxygen therapy: A 2-year follow-up
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Rehabilitation of an irradiated marginal mandibulectomy patient using immediately loaded basal implant-supported fixed prostheses and hyperbaric oxygen therapy: A 2-year follow-up

Awadalkreem, Fadia ; Khalifa, Nadia ; Ahmad, Abdelnasir G. ; Suliman, Ahmed Mohamed ; Osman, Motaz

International journal of surgery case reports, 2020-01, Vol.71, p.297-302 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd

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Prosthetic rehabilitation of maxillary and mandibular gunshot defects with fixed basal implant-supported prostheses: A 5-year follow-up case report
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Prosthetic rehabilitation of maxillary and mandibular gunshot defects with fixed basal implant-supported prostheses: A 5-year follow-up case report

Awadalkreem, Fadia ; Khalifa, Nadia ; Ahmad, Abdelnasir G. ; Suliman, Ahmed Mohamed ; Osman, Motaz

International journal of surgery case reports, 2020-01, Vol.68, p.27-31 [Periódico revisado por pares]

Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd

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A successful endoscopic extraction of accidently ingested toothbrush in an adult: a case report
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A successful endoscopic extraction of accidently ingested toothbrush in an adult: a case report

Al-Mulla, Ahmad Essam ; Buhamad, Fatemah ; Marafie, Hawraa Fadel ; Al Khalifa, Fatema

Journal of surgical case reports, 2023-02, Vol.2023 (2), p.rjad044 [Periódico revisado por pares]

England: Oxford University Press

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Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in Relation to Physical and Emotional Stress: A Retrospective Study in 4 Arab Gulf Countries
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Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in Relation to Physical and Emotional Stress: A Retrospective Study in 4 Arab Gulf Countries

Daoulah, Amin ; Al-Faifi, Salem M. ; Hersi, Ahmad S. ; Dinas, Petros C. ; Youssef, Ali A. ; Alshehri, Mohammed ; Baslaib, Fahad ; Maghrabi, Mohamed ; Al-Murayeh, Mushabab ; Ghani, Mohamed A. ; Refaat, Wael A. ; Eldesoky, Akram ; Balghith, Mohammed ; Soofi, Muhammad Adil ; Alasmari, Abdulaziz ; Alasnag, Mirvat ; Hamad, Adel Khalifa ; Morshid, Mamdouh ; Morsi, Yosri M.A. ; Dahdouh, Ziad ; ElSayed, Osama ; Alama, Mohamed Nabil ; Alasousi, Nader ; Tammam, Khalid ; Almansori, Mohammed ; Khan, Abdul Salim ; Alkhushail, Abdullah ; Aithal, Jairam K. ; Alqahtani, Abdulrahman H. ; Lotfi, Amir

Current problems in cardiology, 2021-03, Vol.46 (3), p.100484-100484, Article 100484 [Periódico revisado por pares]

United States: Elsevier Inc

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One or Two Stages Procedure for Repair of Rectovestibular Fistula: Which is Safer? (A Single Institution Experience)
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One or Two Stages Procedure for Repair of Rectovestibular Fistula: Which is Safer? (A Single Institution Experience)

Khalifa, Mohammed ; Shreef, Khalid ; Al Ekrashy, Mohammad ; Gobran, Tarek

African journal of paediatric surgery, 2017-04, Vol.14 (2), p.27-31 [Periódico revisado por pares]

India: Wolters Kluwer India Pvt. Ltd

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