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The bigger the worse?

Antônio Delfim Netto 1928-

S.l. s.n. 200-

Localização: FEA - Fac. Econ. Adm. Contab. e Atuária  ACERVO DELFIM NETTO  (B27.4.22 )(Acessar)

  • Título:
    The bigger the worse?
  • Autor: Antônio Delfim Netto 1928-
  • Descrição: The bigger the worse? : a comparative study of the welfare state and employment commitment Foundations of economic analysis : book review The reusable holdout : preserving validity in adaptative data analysis The G7 summits : declassified records for the first time Property rights and religious liberty The passthrough of labor costs to price inflation Atlanta Fed says workers benefiting from recovery Waiting for healthy U.S. wage growth Wage increases do no signal impeding inflation Wages and inflation What is full employment? Lagging long-term wage growth Wage-price dynamics : are they consistent with cost push? Inventing prizes : a historical perspective on innovation awards and technology policy Does expansionary monetary policy cause asset price boom? :some historical and empirical evidence A note on rising food prices EM Asia : falling productivity or stagnant global trade? The great recession and the inflation puzzle The economic limit and economic burden of an internally held national debt What can and cannot be done rating agencies Einstein's genius is still enough to shake the cosmic jelly In China, lower rates but rising worries Sovereign ratings of advanced and emerging economies after the crisis
    On the effectiveness of tax policy in altering long-run growth : Harberger's superneutrality conjecture Wagner's hypothesis in time-series and cross-section perspectives : evidence from "real" data for 115 countries The composition of public expenditure and economic growth Jorgen Pedersen on fiscal policy : a note Einige probleme der Finanzwirtschaft
  • Editor: S.l. s.n.
  • Data de criação/publicação: 200-
  • Idioma: Inglês

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