To a question of values of early medieval bronzes of Cherson

To a question of values of early medieval bronzes of Cherson

  • Autor: Mikhail M. Choref
  • Assuntos: Byzantine Cherson ; History ; Numismatics ; Coin Production ; History & Archaeology
  • É parte de: Materialy po arheologii i istorii antičnogo i srednevekovogo Kryma, 01 February 2008, Issue 1, pp.117-130
  • Descrição: We will at once notice that practically all kinds of coins of molding and a chekan of the Byzantine Cherson are so far introduced into scientific circulation. However still there is no uniform point of view concerning their dating. The matter is that the designations placed on these coins still are treated ambiguously. Development of the convincing scheme of decoding of designations of face values became a research objective that as we believe, will allow to look in a new way at history of monetary circulation in the Byzantine Taurica.
  • Idioma: Inglês