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Anti‐Remodeling and Anti‐Fibrotic Effects of the Neuregulin‐1β Glial Growth Factor 2 in a Large Animal Model of Heart Failure

Galindo, Cristi L. ; Kasasbeh, Ehab ; Murphy, Abigail ; Ryzhov, Sergey ; Lenihan, Sean ; Ahmad, Farhaan A. ; Williams, Philip ; Nunnally, Amy ; Adcock, Jamie ; Song, Yanna ; Harrell, Frank E. ; Tran, Truc‐Linh ; Parry, Tom J. ; Iaci, Jen ; Ganguly, Anindita ; Feoktistov, Igor ; Stephenson, Matthew K. ; Caggiano, Anthony O. ; Sawyer, Douglas B. ; Cleator, John H.

Journal of the American Heart Association, 2014-10, Vol.3 (5), p.e000773-n/a [Periódico revisado por pares]

England: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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