Надчеканки на боспорских монетах Полемона I как источник исторической информации / Countermarks on Bosporus coins of Polemon I as a source of historical information

Надчеканки на боспорских монетах Полемона I как источник исторической информации / Countermarks on Bosporus coins of Polemon I as a source of historical information

  • Autor: Choref M.M
  • Assuntos: Bosporus ; History ; Numismatics ; Polemon I ; Religion ; Economy ; Countermarks ; Religion ; History & Archaeology
  • É parte de: Materialy po arheologii i istorii antičnogo i srednevekovogo Kryma, 01 December 2017, Issue 9, pp.441-467
  • Descrição: The article is devoted to the study of Bosporus bronze coins with the monogram BAE on the reverse. The objects of the study were both initially imprinted images and over-markings on the obverse. The appearance on them of the busts and symbols of Gorgon, Isis, Zeus Amon, and Serapis is not accidental. After all, before the end of the release of bronze with the monogram BAE they were not respected at the state level in the Bosporus state. This fact can be explained by the desire of their issuer, apparently Polemon I, not only to legitimize, but also to sanctify his power. To this end, he planted in it the cults of unknown gods in the region, whom he considered his patrons. The result was an outrage of the majority of the local residents. Increasing of the social tension in the Bosporus state led to decreasing of the zone of influence of its sovereign. As a result, Polemon I began to feel a shortage of funds, reflected not only in the chronic damage to the bronze coin, but also in...
  • Idioma: Inglês