African rice cultivation linked to rising methane

African rice cultivation linked to rising methane

  • Autor: Chen, Zichong ; Balasus, Nicholas ; Lin, Haipeng ; Nesser, Hannah ; Jacob, Daniel J
  • Assuntos: Environmental Science (miscellaneous) ; Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Notas: Nature Climate Change
    Nat. Clim. Chang.
  • Descrição: Africa has been identified as a major driver of the current rise in atmospheric methane, and this has been attributed to emissions from wetlands and livestock. Here we show that rapidly increasing rice cultivation is another important source, and estimate that it accounts for 7% of the current global rise in methane emissions. Continued rice expansion to feed a rapidly growing population should be considered in climate change mitigation goals
  • Editor: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
  • Data de criação/publicação: 2024-01
  • Idioma: Inglês