Archaeological monuments of Boyka: current state, problems and prospects of research

Archaeological monuments of Boyka: current state, problems and prospects of research

  • Autor: E.V. Strukova ; Sergey V. Ushakov
  • Assuntos: Archaeology ; Medieval Crimea ; History ; Monuments Protection ; History & Archaeology
  • É parte de: Materialy po arheologii i istorii antičnogo i srednevekovogo Kryma, 01 February 2008, Issue 1, pp.31-44
  • Descrição: It is difficult to overestimate historical value of the "cave" cities of the mountain Crimea. However all of them aren't studied fully yet. Article was written for the purpose of drawing attention of researchers to a condition of one of the major, extensive settlements of this kind – Boyka. The problem of protection of this monument against robbers isn't less important.
  • Idioma: Inglês