К вопросу о первоначальной литургической планировке триконхиальных пещерных церквей Эски-Кермена / On the question of the original liturgical planning cave churches with three Conch of Eski-Kermen

К вопросу о первоначальной литургической планировке триконхиальных пещерных церквей Эски-Кермена / On the question of the original liturgical planning cave churches with three Conch of Eski-Kermen

  • Autor: N.V. Dneprovskiy ; V.A. Shkurdoda
  • Assuntos: Archaeology ; History ; Christian Archaeology ; Taurica ; History & Archaeology
  • É parte de: Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма
  • Descrição: Not the first generation of scientists engaged in archaeological study of Eski-Kermen. However, not all its secrets yet managed to solve. Particularly difficult to trace the history of cave churches. Obviously, it's time to attract a special kind of experts – priests. However, examples of such...
  • Idioma: Inglês