К вопросу о возможности эмиссии золота в византийском Херсоне / To a question of possibility of emission of gold in the Byzantine Cherson

К вопросу о возможности эмиссии золота в византийском Херсоне / To a question of possibility of emission of gold in the Byzantine Cherson

  • Autor: Mikhail Choref
  • Assuntos: Archaeology ; History ; Numismatics ; Byzantium ; Cherson ; History & Archaeology
  • É parte de: Materialy po arheologii i istorii antičnogo i srednevekovogo Kryma, 01 December 2011, Vol.3, pp.327-358
  • Descrição: The numismatics of Cherson is studied already more than two centuries. However and now we don't know, from what metals in this city issued money. It is clear that speech doesn't go about copper and lead. A problem that by this time researchers describe gold and silver coins as believe, let out in it a city. In article contain the analysis of the existing points of view concerning their definition and our hypothesis about possibility of release of a gold coin in Cherson is proved.
  • Idioma: Inglês