Sr(Ag 1-x Li x ) 2 Se 2 and [Sr 3 Se 2 ][(Ag 1-x Li x ) 2 Se 2 ] Tunable Direct Band Gap Semiconductors

Sr(Ag 1-x Li x ) 2 Se 2 and [Sr 3 Se 2 ][(Ag 1-x Li x ) 2 Se 2 ] Tunable Direct Band Gap Semiconductors

  • Autor: Zhou, Xiuquan ; Wilfong, Brandon ; Chen, Xinglong ; Laing, Craig ; Pandey, Indra R ; Chen, Ying-Pin ; Chen, Yu-Sheng ; Chung, Duck-Young ; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G
  • É parte de: Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 2023-03, Vol.62 (14), p.e202301191
  • Notas: AC02-06CH11357
  • Descrição: Synthesizing solids in molten fluxes enables the rapid diffusion of soluble species at temperatures lower than in solid-state reactions, leading to crystal formation of kinetically stable compounds. In this study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of mixed hydroxide and halide fluxes in synthesizing complex Sr/Ag/Se in mixed LiOH/LiCl. We have accessed a series of two-dimensional Sr(Ag Li ) Se layered phases. With increased LiOH/LiCl ratio or reaction temperature, Li partially substituted Ag to form solid solutions of Sr(Ag Li ) Se with x up to 0.45. In addition, a new type of intergrowth compound [Sr Se ][(Ag Li ) Se ] was synthesized upon further reaction of Sr(Ag Li ) Se with SrSe. Both Sr(Ag Li ) Se and [Sr Se ][(Ag Li ) Se ] exhibit a direct band gap, which increases with increasing Li substitution (x). Therefore, the band gap of Sr(Ag Li ) Se can be precisely tuned via fine-tuning x that is controlled by only the flux ratio and temperature.
  • Editor: Germany: Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
  • Idioma: Inglês