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Pre-transplant hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) is associated with chronic graft-vs-host disease but not mortality

Maung, Ko ; Ramalingam, Sendhilnathan ; Chaudhry, Mohammad ; Ren, Yi ; Jung, Sin-Ho ; Romero, Kristi ; Corbet, Kelly ; Chao, Nelson J ; Choi, Taewoong ; Diehl, Anna Mae ; Diehl, Louis ; Gasparetto, Cristina ; Horwitz, Mitchell ; Long, Gwynn Douglas ; Lopez, Richard D ; Rizzieri, David A ; Sarantopoulos, Stefanie ; Sullivan, Keith M ; Bashir, Mustafa R ; Sung, Anthony D Alpini, Gianfranco D.

PloS one, 2020-09, Vol.15 (9), p.e0238824-e0238824 [Periódico revisado por pares]

San Francisco: Public Library of Science

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