Murray J. Martin (1935–2022)

Murray J. Martin (1935–2022)

  • Autor: Smith, Michael ; Nesaraja, Caroline ; Singh, Balraj ; Basunia, Shamsuzzoha ; Bernstein, Lee ; Firestone, Rick ; Tuli, Jagdish
  • É parte de: Nuclear data sheets, 2022-12, Vol.186 (1), p.1-2
  • Notas: USDOE
  • Descrição: The field of nuclear data lost a pioneer with the passing of Murray Martin on March 9, 2022. Born in Regina, Canada in 1935, Murray Martin received his B.A. and M.A. in experimental physics from the University of Saskatchewan and his PhD in theoretical nuclear physics in 1962 from McMaster Univ. His thesis was entitled “A Study of the Low-Lying Excited Levels in the Even Lead Isotopes”. Additionally, he joined the NSF Data Project in 1962 in Washington, DC, and then followed that project as it moved to ORNL in 1964 as the Nuclear Data Project (NDP). Murray stayed with the NDP until his retirement in 1997 but resumed his work on a part-time basis in 2004 as a subcontractor to ORNL, which he continued until his last days.
  • Editor: United States: Elsevier
  • Idioma: Inglês