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book IconLivro  Gail E Haley Birdsong 19/09/24 Note

book IconLivro   Second language acquisition and the critical period hypothesis 19/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Mooney, Richard Birdsong 19/09/24 Note

book IconLivro  Shelley L. Birdsong Partners with God: Theological and Critical Readings of the Bible in Honor of Marvin A. Sweeney 19/09/24 Note

book IconLivro  Willem J. M. Birdsong, David Levelt Metalinguistic Performance and Interlinguistic Competence 19/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo   Birdsong 19/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Langmore, Naomi E. Female birdsong 19/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Riebel, K. ; Langmore, N.E. Birdsong: not all contest but also cooperation? 19/09/24 Note

article IconArtigo  Doolittle, Emily Birdsong and music 19/09/24 Note

reference_entry IconVerbete   Birdsong 19/09/24 Note