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thesis_master IconDissertação de Mestrado  Salomon, Marcus Vinicius Trigo: avaliação de linhagens diaplóides obtidas via cultura de anteras. 19/09/24 Note

conference_paper IconArtigo de Congresso  Augusto Tulmann Neto Improvement of wheat and rice through mutation breeding 19/09/24 Note

book IconLivro  C E O Camargo Induced mutations and another culture for wheat improvement 19/09/24 Note

conference_paper IconArtigo de Congresso  Carolina Sobral Singer Breadmaking properties of flour produced from irradiated wheat 19/09/24 Note

thesis_doctoral IconTese de Doutorado  Alexandre, Allana Patrícia Santos Ozone technology as an alternative for reducing mycotoxin contamination in wheat products 19/09/24 Note

book IconLivro  Antonio Enedi Boaretto Optimizing nitrogen-fertilizer application to wheat under irrigation 19/09/24 Note

conference_paper IconArtigo de Congresso  Marcos Roberto da Rosa Organosolv delignification of wheat straw 19/09/24 Note

thesis_master IconDissertação de Mestrado  Singer, Carolina Sobral Propriedades físico-químicas, reológicas, entálpicas e de panificação da farinha obtida de trigo irradiado. 19/09/24 Note

conference_paper IconArtigo de Congresso  M R Rosa Organosolv delignification of wheat straw 19/09/24 Note

conference_paper IconArtigo de Congresso  Marcos Roberto da Rosa Organosolv delignification of wheat straw 19/09/24 Note